Automation Testing

Automation is the buzz work in today’s testing world and every one are moving to automation and in the market there are many automation tools and the popular are HP QTP, IBM RFT, open source tools like Selenium and many others.

In order to enter the field of Automation Testing let us understand what automation is all about and why automation is needed. Find below some quick glance on Automation.

1. Overview of Automation: Automation is preferred in below cases.

-    Redundancy
-    Avoid Manual misses and assumptions
-    Reduce Cost
-    Reduce execution time
-    Unattended automation
-    Good ROI [Return On Investment]

2. Overview of  Framework: Framework is a concept/template/structure.

3. Types of Frame Work

Data Driven Framework

Depends on Test Data
User can provide the Test Data
QTP can auto generate the test data as well

Keyword Driven Framework

This require excel sheet till QTP version 9.2
This is in-built in QTP version 9.5
Sample script:

function func_add (i,j)
msgbox z
End function
Functions are stored in Function.qfl

Hybrid Framework

This is the combination of Data Driven and Keyword Driven.


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