Record and playback features of QTP 9.2


As a beginner of QTP 9.2 it is better to look at the Record and Play Back features of QTP 9.2. It is very simple in Quick Test Professional 9.2 where in as you launch the application and is ready with the test you need to launch the windows application which you want and would recommend that you launch the “Flight Reservation Application” given as add on with QTP. Click the record button in QTP and perform your operations in the “Flight Reservation Application” and once you finish click the stop button and again click the play button. The application repeats all the actions performed by you and displayed the result.

Let us now look at what recording and Play back is all about. Recording in QTP 9.2 is the process of capturing the actions that are performed on the Application Under Test. We mostly capture expected result during recording and during a playback session we compare the actual results with the expected results. We can report a pass and a fail to the test results while we run the scripts.

We will now look at the pre requisites for Automation using QTP 9.2 tool

1. First of all understand the functionality of the Application Under Test at an object level. For ex if we take the “Flight Reservation Application” after logging in to the application we have the Reservation Screen in this before writing a script understand what all objects are needed to record and what each object behaves and its properties.

2. Before recording the script it is better to execute the test case manually until we understand the test flow.



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