Interview Questions in QTP 9.2

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Below are some of the interview and Certification Questions and Answers for QTP 9.2

What is the difference between Text and attached text property in QTP 9.2?

Text Property is on the Object.

Attached Text is a name attached to the object.

What is the difference between Object Class and Native Class in QTP 9.2?

Object Class is a QTP defined Object Class used to identify an object in the Application Under Test.

Native Class is the class which the object belongs to.

We expect that the Native class and Object Class are the same except some exceptions.

What is the difference between Enabled and Focused in QTP 9.2?

If Enabled property is true we can execute a method on that object and if it is false we cannot.

Focus is always set to the first object in the AUT. Focus can be set to only one Object. Focus is set on the enabled object only.

What is the difference between Dialog Box and a window?

Dialog Box does not to have Minimize and Close buttons where as a window has minimize and close buttons.

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