Recording Mode in QTP 9.2 – Context Sensitive Recording

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The recording mode by default in QTP 9.2 is set to Context Sensitive Recording Mode. As and when the record button is clicked without selecting any record mode it will go to this mode.

Context Sensitive Recording mode treats everything in the Application under Test (AUT) as an object. The properties will be used to identify the Object and the Methods will be used to perform an action on that Object.

For every action we perform on the Application Under Test Quick Test (QTP) generates a line of Code. The location of the object in the AUT is not traced which means that since Context Sensitive Recording treats every thing in the AUT as objects it does not matter if the objects are moved to a different location on the screen while playback since in this recording mode it identifies the object based on the properties if they are same while play back. If the properties of the objects are changed during play back then QTP will not identify the object and throws an error “Object not found”.

Note: Till we are familiar with the QTP tool while recording it is better to use the mouse than Tab and also avoid unnecessary steps in the recording phase.

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