Resources Settings in QTP

Associating Function Libraries to a QTP Test is very important as it is associated from an external location and since we use frame work each of the test script is broken down into different functions and there should be a way to associate them to a test. The Resource Tab in Test Settings helps you to do this.

You need to navigate to File > Settings > Test Settings > Resources.

Here we will look at the various options available for user to set under resources in QTP while running a test.

Here you can associate function libraries to QTP test by clicking the + sign and select the location from where you want to add. In order to delete a library file select that file from the list and click the Delete button i.e X button. You can arrange the function library files by using the up and Down key.

It also provides a means to check the syntax of the files associated by clicking the Check syntax Button.

There is a means to associate a data table from other location i.e Excel sheet for passing values as parameters to the test from default location or from any other location.


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