Object Identification in QTP 9.2

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When a QTP Test is run, QTP checks for Logical name and the control checks in the object repository for Test Object and corresponding Properties of the test object and based on these details QTP checks for the run time object in the AUT and performs the actions associated with the run time object.

Note: The logical name in the script and the name of the test object in the Object Repository should be the same. These are steps performed to identify an Object.

Step 1: During a run session, QTP encounters a line of Code, picks the Logical name from the Script.

Step 2: The control goes to the Object Repository, Quick Test searched for a test object with the logical name.

Step 3: Once the Test Object is found, Quick Test picks the properties of the object listed in the Test Object Details section of the Object Repository (OR).

Step 4: The control goes to the AUT, makes use of these properties to uniquely identify a Run Time Object.

Step 5: Once the Object Identification is completed, Quick Test executes the specified method on the Object.

Repeats all the steps till all the lines of code is executed.

Note: It is always good to have User Friendly Logical names for Test Object in the Local Repository. For Example WinButton("Button").Click to open a New Page can be written as WinButton("New").Click which is user friendly.

To change the Name of the Object if you change in the Script it would not make the changes in the Object Repository but if you select the Test Object in the Object Repository and change the Object name in the properties window then it would be replicated in the Script.

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Anonymous said...

its very good

Anonymous said...

very nice explainations.

Anonymous said...

best on the web so far..
thank you author.

Anonymous said...

superb website..

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

I have a query. The objects properties (eg:browser and page properties) are not getting identified post deployment. Previously it was working absolutely fine. I have around 55 + actions for my project and every single action has a corresponding OR and updating each OR is time consuming. Is there any specific method to make the QTP identify the objects.
I am using QTP 10.00

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