Environment Settings in QTP

User Defined Environment Variables in QTP

Environment Variables in QTP are the utility objects of QTP which enables us to work with Environment Variables. In the Test Settings we can add user defined Environment Variables for a particular test or can also load an environment XML file to a test.

You need to Navigate to File > Settings > Test Settings > Environment

User defined variables are of two types Internal and External. Internal Environment variables can be modified or deleted while External Environment variables are Read only.

In this setting we can add environment variables by clicking the + button which pops up a dialog box where in you can enter the name of the variable and the value of the variable and will be displayed in Black color and the type would be displayed as Internal and you have full control over these kinds of variables. You can modify or delete these variables.

You can create an external XML file of all the user defined environment variables to an XML file listed in the pane by clicking the export button.

In order to load environment variables from an external XML file you need to check the check button of Load variables and values from external file and click the browse button of the File Text Box and select the XML file from the desired location. All the environment variable will be listed and will be in Blue color and are read only.


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