Recording in QTP 9.2 using Analog Recording Mode

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Now we will look at another type of recording which is called Analog Recording Mode which we generally not use but we need to know what Analog Recording in QTP does. Generally this type of recording mode is used to capture screen or window coordinates and this can be useful for graphic applications or gaming applications where click, drag and drop actions are performed.

Though we are concerned of doing testing on Web Application it is good to understand Analog Recording Mode. We will look at how to change the recording modes.

How to Change Recording Mode in QTP 9.2

1. By default the Recording Mode is set to Context Sensitive Recording Mode.
2. Now click Record Button.
3. From the Menu Click Automation and Select Analog Recording.
4. Now Analog Recording Setting Window is opened. Select any one of the option
a. Recording w.r.t. Screen.
b. Recording w.r.t. Window.

How to Record in Analog Recording Mode in QTP 9.2

Analog Recording Mode captures the Keyboard and Mouse Coordinates while recording. There is no concept of Object Properties and Methods in Analog Recording.

Analog recording is of Two Types

1. Recording w.r.t. Screen
2. Recording w.r.t. Specified Window.

To record anything on the Desktop the recoding being done is w.r.t. Screen.
To record anything on the Application Under Test is w.r.t Specified Window.

We will record some actions in the Paint Application.

1. Click Record Button
2. Change the recording Mode as mentioned above.
3. You need to open the Paint window. Adjust the window size of the QTP so that Paint window is visible. Better to keep them side by side.
4. Select the Option to record with window then a hand sign button.
5. Use the hand sign and point it on the Paint Window by clicking in the window.
6. Start the record action by clicking “Start Analog Recording” in the QTP window.
7. Draw some lines in the paint window and click stop button in QTP.
8. Now play back the recorded actions. QTP will replicate the same for you.

Important Points to Note:

1. Suppose during play back if you close the paint Window then while play back QTP will throw an error.

2. If the Analog recording is set to record w.r.t desktop then QTP does not bother about the specific window to perform the actions.

3. Let us look at this way. Draw something on the paint and during play back change the paint window location still QTP will play back but will draw it in a different place.

4. Now close the paint window and run the recorded script. QTP will not throw any error because it is in Desktop mode.

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